What to Know About Cargo Theft Investigation

What Is Cargo Theft?

Cargo theft refers to the theft of any commercial shipments that are being transported via freight trucks, planes, trains or ships from their manufacturing plant to their point of destination. If the goods inside these methods of transportation are stolen from the vehicles during the course of their journey to the retail stores, that is considered cargo theft, and is a major problem for manufacturers, retailers and consumers alike. While it is not something you hear about every day, instances of cargo theft are on the rise, and so, in turn, are the number of cargo theft investigations.


What Does a Cargo Theft Investigation Involve?

Because the crime rings who are primarily responsible for instances of cargo theft have become more organized and sophisticated with their methods over the years, investigating cargo theft is not an open-and-shut case. Some of the issues an investigative team will run into when investigating a cargo theft is the lack of statistics and reporting that is done on cargo thefts by manufacturers and retailers alike. A number of companies choose not to publicly admit an instance of cargo theft, fearing bad publicity, embarrassment or having to pay higher insurance premiums. This means that the cargo theft incidents go unreported, or underreported, making it harder to detect a pattern and solve the cases. Local law enforcement is usually called upon to investigate a cargo theft case unless the crime occurred on an interstate highway or other federal jurisdiction, at which point the FBI steps in.


Why Choose Private Investigation for Cargo Theft?

For businesses who have experienced one or multiple incidences of cargo theft, the choice to begin a private investigation is clear. A company who wishes not to tarnish their reputation with a very public police investigation into cargo theft matters may prefer the confidentiality and discretion of a private investigation. A private investigator who takes on a cargo theft case will look into the matter from all angles, gathering evidence to support the prosecution of the person or persons who were involved, all without the publicity and attention that a police or FBI investigation would attract. If your business has been compromised with one or more cargo theft incidents, now is the time to begin a private investigation to attempt to catch the suspect and get justice for your employees, your customers and your company.


JP Investigations is highly experienced in cargo theft investigations. We can gather the evidence you need to support your cargo theft case and stop the cycle for once and for all. JP Investigations has over 20 years’ experience in all manner of investigative services, and can assist your business with your cargo theft case in Charlotte and surrounding areas. Call JP Investigations today at 877-990-2111 to schedule your consultation.

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