The Sane Way to Find My Cheating Spouse

In any marriage, the most difficult idea to entertain is that your spouse may be cheating on you with another man or woman. We all want to give our significant other the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes the signs and body language reveal the truth. If you suspect that your spouse is cheating, it is best to avoid confronting them about it until you have real evidence.

When a person is suspected and accused of cheating, that individual is likely to either shut down from the conversation or have a very negative reaction. For some, this could even be violent. At the J.P. Investigative Group, we understand how tough it is to deal with suspicion, and we are here to help you discover the truth. Our experienced investigators have the knowledge, skills, and resources to find out what is really happening in your relationship. 

Because there is so much emotion (and likely many years) involved in a marriage, it is common for spouses to act irrationally at the prospect of their significant other cheating. Although you may want to simply blurt out “Are you cheating?” to your spouse, this will likely not end well. Below are some tips to help you deal with this stressful situation and possibly find your spouse cheating. 

Sane Tips to Find Your Cheating Spouse

Relationships are hard work, and sometimes one partner decides to give up and move on without the other person knowing. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, here are some tips to find more concrete evidence:

  • Check out social media: Most people in today’s world live on their phones, especially in the social media realm. Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and many others provide access to the entire world without leaving your house. They are also platforms which allow you to connect with new people, chat with them, and possibly start a new relationship. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, there may be evidence of that on social media. Seeing who he is friends with, what photos she likes or comments on, or who is sending him Snaps can help you figure out if your suspicions are true.
  • Read body language: When a person has found someone new, they will likely start to avoid contact with their old partner–even if they haven’t ended that relationship yet. If your significant other has started to avoid PDA with you or prevents you from touching him, this could be a sign of cheating. If your spouse is unusually excited but won’t tell you why she may be letting her emotions for the new person come through. If your spouse’s cell phone has suddenly become off-limits to you or he turns away when a new text chimes in, he may be hiding a new partner.
  • Follow him/her: You can do this physically or digitally. There are many phone apps that track your spouse’s movements so that you know if he/she really working late at the office or actually having drinks with a new partner. A slightly riskier method is to physically follow your partner; this must be done very carefully so that your partner does not see you. 
  • Hire a private investigator: Although you may be able to accomplish many or all of the tips listed above, a skilled private investigator is always your best choice to find your spouse cheating.

Why You Should Hire a Private Investigator

Trying to catch your partner cheating may seem like a very straightforward task and you may even feel comfortable enough simply asking if he/she is cheating. However, emotions often get the better of us when the person we love the most and have dedicated our lives to is suspected of cheating. Fighting, arguing, lashing out, and other extreme emotional reactions can occur during the conversation or if you get caught by your partner snooping. You need a neutral third party to help you collect your evidence and find out the truth.

Hiring a private investigator such as those at J.P. Investigative Group is the safest route and also the most logical option. A skilled PI can gather evidence from social media, surveillance, cell phone tracking, and many other investigative techniques to help you determine definitively whether or not your spouse is cheating. Being a neutral third party also helps to ensure that the evidence collected is unbiased and none is fabricated simply to make a client happy. 

Additionally, the evidence collected by an experienced PI will be usable in a court of law, especially during divorce proceedings (if you decide it should come to that). Photographs from surveillance and social media are difficult to dispute, so your PI’s investigation may be invaluable in the courtroom or mediation room.

Contact Our Experienced Private Investigation Company

At the J.P. Investigative Group, we have over 20 years of experience helping people find their cheating spouses through expert investigative techniques. We are dedicated to helping you find out the truth by any means necessary. 

Contact our expert investigators today to discuss your options if you believe your spouse is cheating on you. We will uncover the real story and provide you with all the evidence to prove it. Call now or fill out our form for a FREE consultation!

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