I am writing to thank you again for the excellent services you provided. This case had been in the hands of a local attorney for nearly a year and he had not been able to locate our “Dead-Beat Dad”. The case had, unknown to me, been dismissed at the request of my attorney on Jan. 27 with the provision that we could re-establish the case if we were able to serve the Defendant in person within 30 days. We have not been able to learn his place of employment or home address in twelve years. I am in Alabama hi is in North Carolina, and Florida will eventually become involved. Locating this man has been a challenge. He has become very adept at
In desperation I called the Legal referral System in Charlotte, NC seeking an attorney where this person lived. The attorney I called referred me to JP investigative Group assuring me I did not need another attorney, just a very good P.I. With his personal recommendation I called JP Investigative Group and spoke with you. It was with hesitation and prayer that I employed you immediately and paired by debit card that day. This was probably the best investment I have ever made. Although you had assured me that you would find him within our three week time frame I was very nervous.
One Week to the day from the date you received the pictures and paper work from me you had located and served our Dead-Beat-Dad!!! This for us is incredible. The documentation you have provided will be irrefutable in any Court.
Your efforts have made it possible for my granddaughter to receive her unpaid child support plus interest at 12% and hopefully future child support even though she is now 19 but had specific learning disabilities. These funds will be placed in a Special Needs Trust for her long-range benefit. I am grateful for your assistance and efficiency.