Mistakes to Avoid During Child Custody Battle

mom and baby affection child custody

Divorce, no matter how amicable, is almost always painful for both parties. When children are involved, it can get messy. Children often get caught in the middle of custody battles. If you find yourself locked in a fierce child custody battle, you want to make sure you are doing the best you can for your […]

How to Keep Your Children Happy During a Child Custody Battle

Your child custody battle is probably not going to be an easy one. However, while parents wage war in the courtroom, child often suffer the outcomes of the instabilities created by these battles. Keeping your children happy during this trying period may not be easy, but it is possible. Hire A PI Today! How to […]

South Carolina Child Custody Investigator: Types of Instability in the Home

When a custody agreement is reached, the court’s primary focus is on keeping the child safe and secure. Often, this is based on evidence or personal testimony that is presented during the custody hearing. Instabilities at home, however, can contradict this and put your child in danger. How Instability Affects Child Custody Instability at home […]

What a Private Investigator Can Find In Child Custody Investigations

In family courts and child welfare agencies across the country, officials often have to gather information in order to make decisions regarding child custody. This information concerns an as-objective-as-possible look at who in the child’s life can provide the best treatment to the child and ensure they are taken care of. However, courts and executive […]

Protect Your Child & Hire a Child Custody PI in North Carolina

Do you suspect that your former spouse is neglecting, mistreating or even abusing your children? Do your kids come home from your ex’s house with unexplained marks or bruises, signs of improper care or hygiene, or stories of questionable or illegal activities? If any of this sounds familiar, it is in your children’s best interest […]
