Should You Investigate A Love Interest? And How?

Are you entering a new relationship? Considering taking your current relationship to the next level? If so, one task that should be on your to-do list is a background check. Why should you investigate a boyfriend, girlfriend, or fiancé? And how can you go about getting the information you need safely and discreetly? Here are a few answers to these vital questions.

Why Investigate Love Interests?

Most people only think about background checks in terms of an employer hiring a new worker or someone suspected of a crime. But if you would find it important to check out the history of someone you were going to work with, wouldn’t it be just as important to check out someone you may spend your life with?

Taking such a step is especially important if you want to enter into a legally binding arrangement like marriage or have children with this person. Ties with partners last a lifetime and can get you in financial and legal trouble or even a dangerous situation if you’re not careful. And because many people today meet their partner online or maintain long-distance relationships, you may need to be proactive to protect yourself.

Will a Background Check Feel Awkward?

Likely the biggest hindrance from seeking out background checks on love interests is the worry that it will make things awkward. The good news is that you have many ways to manage this concern. You can, for example, have an independent third party such as a private investigator actually do the work. This allows you to set parameters about what you want to be told or how you want the investigation handled.

Some individuals choose to be open about their desire to do a background check, particularly if it will only be on standard subjects like criminal records or marital status. By discussing it in advance, you don’t have to hide what you are doing and you know whether or not your partner understands your point of view on the matter. Others resolve to tell their partner after the check has been completed.

Should You Check Up On Your Own?

Today, modern technology allows you to do many things for yourself online. Should this include background investigations? Probably not, and for two reasons. First, someone with no experience may not know how to do a thorough job. While you may be able to use services that provide certain parts of a background check, it’s unlikely to dig very deep.

Second, investigating any individual — especially without their consent — can be risky. If you don’t know which methods are against the law, you may stray into illegal actions. And if you’re discovered, potential conflicts can cause arguments or even physical risk.

How Will a Professional Investigate?

So, if you hire an independent third party, what will they do for you? Private investigators can check records of past employment, marital history, criminal records, driving records, bankruptcies, lawsuits, tax debts, and sex offender registries. This may include multiple states if necessary.

Social media investigations are more and more important as well. The investigator will not only look through obvious social media accounts but also check out friends’ and followers’ accounts, look for hidden accounts, and check for dating profiles. Finally, of course, the investigator may conduct in-person interviews or learn about current activities, according to state law.

Where Can You Learn More?

Want to know more about possible background check services? Start by meeting with the investigative team at J.P. Investigative Group, Inc. We will work with you to identify your goals for this investigation and address your concerns. Then, we’ll design an investigation that works for you. Call today to make an appointment or get answers to your questions.

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