A Mini Primer On Workers Compensation Investigations


Workers compensation laws are intended to protect employees who get hurt in the workplace. Federal employees are entitled to two-thirds of their monthly salaries when out on disability, and even more if they are permanently hurt. All states have their own compensation laws. While these laws are vital to the stability of society, they can be corrupted. Employers must investigate individual cases to prevent themselves from being taken advantage of. In fact, workers compensation fraud costs insurance companies and the public more than 60 billion dollars every year.

Because benefits such as medical coverage are often part of the compensation people receive, many people out on workers’ compensation have very little incentive to return to work. They can either stay at home, not work at all, and receive a portion of their salaries, or return to the daily grind at full pay. Some people opt for the former at the expense of their employers or the taxpayers. While most workers’ compensation claims are legitimate, there are schemers who succeed at their fraudulent ways.

Investigations are an absolute necessity for any insurer. From the average person who tends to stretch his stories to be more slightly more favorable to the full-time con artist who stages accidents, many people are less than 100 percent honest when dealing with insurance companies. By launching investigations into questionable claims, insurers can save thousands of dollars per fraudulent claim, and millions every year. You must get them before they get you!

Call J.P. Investigative Group at 877-990-2111. We have been in business since 1998 and currently serve 15 states (including the District of Columbia). You can also assign us a case online.

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