How To Catch A Cheater Online

Cheating is one of the most disrespectful actions that can be done to a person. A cheater will never admit to wrongdoing, it’s best to have evidence to let them know they are caught red-handed, and nothing they say can get them out of the truth. Don’t be played by a player! Below are what we at J.P. Investigative Group find to be the most common signs to help you catch a cheater online.

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Catch a Cheater on the Computer

A cheater will always get caught because they eventually get sloppy. The internet can hide many things but can also reveal those same things. Times are changing so we adapt accordingly. The effort of pretending to be two different people will catch up with them. One thing we recommend checking is the search history on your computer. When you go on their computer, is the history always cleared? This is a common sign of cheating. Look out for the person using “incognito mode,” a setting on Google that provides you to use the web without a history being saved. There are many reasons for someone to not want their searches to be traceable, but a relationship should have open communication. If there are more signs of deception, it might be time to reach out to J.P. Investigative Group to do a more thorough search to catch a cheating spouse.

Signs of a Cheater on Social Media

Does your significant other purposely keep their phone out of your sight? Or hide their screen when you are around? This is a common sign to catch a cheater online. They do not want you to see their phone because it could have incriminating photos, videos or conversations. It’s time to do a preliminary search to see if he has multiple accounts. This is easiest by searching his name and cities he has lived in online, or searching his name on a social media account he uses, like Facebook. Checking his profile via a friend’s page might show posts he purposely has hidden from you. If it’s possible to gain access to his social media accounts. His messages might hold previous conversations. J.P. Investigative Group knows all the tricks of cheaters, give us a call today to put your worries to rest.

Why Hire a Social Media Investigator

The last thing a cheater wants is to get caught, and they will do whatever possible to hide their wrong-doings. J.P Investigative Group is here for you when it becomes too difficult to keep a suspicious eye on your partner. Your actions might be noticed and cause your partner to make it more difficult to find their accounts, or delete their information. Don’t let their gas-lighting keep you in a relationship with a dishonest person. Call J.P. Investigative Group for a social media investigation today to get your life back!


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