Embezzlement Investigations: Top 4 ‘DO NOTs’

Fraud and embezzlement are a significant problem for organizations of all kinds, and these range from publicly traded corporations to community-based non-profit organizations. Unfortunately when it comes to embezzlement, no one is entirely immune, and people from positions of trust are also capable of committing these heinous crimes. It’s sad enough when you discover that a trusted employee, partner or colleague is stealing from the organization that they are supposed to be supporting. But beyond losing money, confronting a possible embezzlement investigations is emotionally taxing and can negatively impact on your reputation if it isn’t handled properly.

Therefore, if someone is embezzling money from you, then they will constantly be on the lookout for signs that they are about to get caught. When the person stealing your funds or committing fraud observes these signs, then their thoughts will turn to self-preservation that will include things like destroying evidence. Therefore, if you are suspecting one of your employees is embezzling funds from your organization, here 4 top things that you should not do.

  • Request for reports you did not request for before. This can be a very suspicious move for the employee embezzling funds from your company. Most of the time, the person embezzling your funds is paranoid, because they are afraid of getting caught. Requesting for reports that might be linked to their activity could get them thinking you are suspicious, and any evidence that could be used to get them might be destroyed in the event.
  • Implementing additional Security feature to your software. Like explained earlier, when someone is embezzling your funds, they are not particularly confident about it. Therefore, when you upgrade your security detail on your software, it will only tip them that you have found out about their actions, which could lead them to clean up.
  • Spend a lot of time in your Office or call with your CPA. This is one of the worst mistakes business owners do when they have an embezzling investigation going on in the company. The worst thing to do at this point is to make the perpetrator think they are being investigated. The best thing to do is to stay calm and let the investigators do their work.
  • Posting Articles on Embezzlement of Staff Boards. Well, this is a silly move that could potentially get you losing more than you have already lost in the first place. In case you want to tip off the employee embezzling your funds, then this could be the best move. Avoid making your employees feel like they have made a mistake; it could severely mess with the investigations when the experts eventually come in.

Embezzlement can happen to any business. It’s therefore important to get beyond the shock and approach this tricky situation with a rational mind, just like you would face a critic business decision. In case you would like your business or employee investigated for embezzlement, JP Investigative Group is the leading Charlotte private investigator. Call us or walk into our offices for more information. Our Staff will be more than happy to assist you.

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