What To Do When You Spot Employee Theft And How To Protect Your Company

Companies work hard to be able to hire employees. However, stealing can occur in any organization at any time without warning. When you spot employee theft in the workplace, it usually takes a lot of shapes. Employees can be stealing company products, money or even supplies. Other forms of theft can be through the improper use […]

Embezzlement Investigations: Top 4 ‘DO NOTs’

Fraud and embezzlement are a significant problem for organizations of all kinds, and these range from publicly traded corporations to community-based non-profit organizations. Unfortunately when it comes to embezzlement, no one is entirely immune, and people from positions of trust are also capable of committing these heinous crimes. It’s sad enough when you discover that […]

How To Defend Your Child’s Interest During A Custody Battle

Divorce is never easy, ask any Divorce lawyer, and they will tell you that for free. Divorce, however, becomes extremely difficult when there are children involved. This often scares a lot of parents since they wouldn’t want their divorce to negatively affect their children and specifically if their former spouse is a bit of a […]

Everything You Need to Know About Embezzlement Investigations

For a business owner, nothing can feel more threatening or personally violating than an employee who is embezzling from the company. Embezzlement has reached near-epidemic proportions in businesses nationwide- an estimated $400 billion is stolen each year by employees in the United States! Not only are your company’s assets being compromised by someone on the […]

What is a Non-Compete Investigation?

Losing an employee, either due to termination or resignation, can be a hardship for an employer. In addition to the inconvenience of having to find and train a suitable replacement, it can be difficult and awkward to deal with the potential fallout from a particularly acrimonious parting. This is especially true if you suspect your […]

The Importance of Surveillance Video

Smile! You’re on camera! Video surveillance has now been a key part of loss prevention strategy in retail stores for more than three decades. Additionally, with the advancing technology that allows video surveillance systems to be more readily available and affordable to consumers, it is now common practice to have video surveillance cameras installed outside […]

What to Know About Cargo Theft Investigation

What Is Cargo Theft? Cargo theft refers to the theft of any commercial shipments that are being transported via freight trucks, planes, trains or ships from their manufacturing plant to their point of destination. If the goods inside these methods of transportation are stolen from the vehicles during the course of their journey to the […]
