Employee Theft: When to Investigate

As a business owner, you like to think that your employees are all on your team and have the best interests of the company at heart. That’s why it can be especially unsettling when you suspect that one of your employees may be stealing from your business, either on a small or large scale. Having […]

Is Lexington Code Scam? – Lexington Code Advantages

Are you searching for the best and authentic Binary Options Trading for your trading?? Then take a pause and have a look to some genuine trading software for Binary Options. As I know Lexington Code is the latest and new binary options trading software by which you can start your business in a more efficient […]

How to Prepare for a Child Custody Investigation

If you are going through a divorce and there are children involved, it can make an already heart-wrenching, difficult time even harder. Though you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse no longer are able to work through your relationship issues effectively, you still both love your children and want them to be with you for as much of […]

Disability Insurance Fraud

What to Know About Disability Insurance Fraud Each year, millions of disability claims are filed in the U.S. While the vast majority of these insurance claims are legitimate, thousands of disability claims raise red flags and prompt employers to hire agencies to take investigative action. Here is what you need to know about disability insurance […]

When to Hire a Child Custody Investigator

Your children matter to you more than anything else in the world, and you would do anything to protect them. If you are going through a divorce and are having a child custody battle, you may be wondering if it is necessary to hire a private investigator to assist you with your case and assure […]

What to Know about Spy Surveillance

When you hear the phrase “spy surveillance,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Undercover secret agents with cool gadgets and fast cars, like James Bond? Trench-coated detectives in dark glasses mysteriously lurking in the shadows? It’s all very intriguing, the stuff of action movies and suspense thrillers. But what is the truth […]

A Mini Primer On Workers Compensation Investigations

Workers compensation laws are intended to protect employees who get hurt in the workplace. Federal employees are entitled to two-thirds of their monthly salaries when out on disability, and even more if they are permanently hurt. All states have their own compensation laws. While these laws are vital to the stability of society, they can […]

Don’t Be A Victim!

Here is the golden rule of not becoming a victim of a scam, especially those involving money: Never give your credit card, social security number, or any other financial information out over the phone, by mail, or by email unless you initiate the contact and know who you are dealing with. The following are some […]

Insurance Fraud Arrests & Convictions

  Insurance fraud happens all the time, and it may appear that people get away with insurance fraud, including life insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, auto liability, disability, and workers compensation. J.P. Investigative Group works on insurance fraud cases all the time with very favorable results. While we’re on the topic of insurance fraud, here’s a handy website that provides a […]

Cargo Theft

During Q1 2015, a staggering $23 million worth of cargo was reported to be stolen, with the highest amount of theft losses being recorded in California (30). Texas (27) stood second, then Georgia (24), New Jersey (24), and then Florida (20) completing the list of the top 5 states suffering from the highest amount of […]

Top 10 Ways Private Investigators Can Help You in North Carolina

Here are the top ten ways JP Investigations can help you with your case in North Carolina. 1.) Obtain Custody of Your Child JP Investigations can help you obtain custody of your child by helping determine and document which parent is truly taking care of the child and provide evidence of which parent would be […]
