Mistakes to Avoid During Child Custody Battle

mom and baby affection child custody

Divorce, no matter how amicable, is almost always painful for both parties. When children are involved, it can get messy. Children often get caught in the middle of custody battles. If you find yourself locked in a fierce child custody battle, you want to make sure you are doing the best you can for your […]

Top Signs Cohabitation May Be Occurring

cohabitating couple watching tv with popcorn

Cohabitation is a term used to refer to a living situation where two people live together, but are not married. In the case of divorced individuals, cohabitation is a scenario that could negate the need for alimony payments. But the party receiving these payments is not likely to admit to the cohabitation. How do you […]

How Not To Let a Cohabitation Investigation Backfire

However, in some cases, a cohabitation investigation may backfire. Below, we discuss how you can prevent this from happening, as well as the benefits of hiring a professional should you want a thorough investigation. Hire A Private Investigator to Prove Cohabitation Potential Repercussions of a Cohabitation Investigation Before you hire a professional, you should know […]

How to Keep Your Children Happy During a Child Custody Battle

Your child custody battle is probably not going to be an easy one. However, while parents wage war in the courtroom, child often suffer the outcomes of the instabilities created by these battles. Keeping your children happy during this trying period may not be easy, but it is possible. Hire A PI Today! How to […]

Tips for Coping with the Discovery of a Cheating Spouse

Finding out you are married to a cheating spouse can be devastating. From heartbreak to legal consequences, like divorce, coping with discovering your spouse is cheating can feel overwhelming. Hire a PI to Catch Your Cheating Spouse Ways to Cope After Discovering a Cheating Spouse How you deal with the stress of discovering you have […]

What a Private Investigator CAN or CANNOT Do To Help Catch a Cheating Spouse

Infidelity can be devastating, especially once you have said your vows. Often times, a private investigator will be hired to help one partner catch a cheating spouse. While this can help you build your divorce court case, there are certain things a private investigator can and cannot do. A Private Investigator Can… A private investigator […]

How a Successful Cohabitation Investigation Can Amend Your Divorce Agreement

Divorces are rarely easy. However, if you have ever been through one, you know there is a divorce agreement that is reached. This document lays out any agreements that were reached between both parties and often includes things like child custody, child support, the division of properties and assets, and alimony or spousal support. Cohabitation, […]

Tips to Prepare For a Child Custody Investigation

Child custody investigations are an important. From a court’s perspective, they are an impartial observation of the lifestyle and wellbeing of your child. From a private investigator perspective, they are a careful investigation of the total welfare of your child. Preparing for a child custody investigation can be nerve-wracking. Below, the professionals at JP Investigative […]

Discover Lying: Tips to Catch a Cheating Spouse

Being cheated on is one of the most commonly cited reasons for a divorce. The betrayal can be absolutely devastating and unforgivable. Unconfirmed suspicions, however, can be equally as devastating because they can slowly chip away at you and your marriage, leaving it in shambles even if you discover your initial belief was wrong. At […]

How Surveillance Can Benefit Cohabitation Investigations

Cohabitation investigations can collect crucial evidence when it comes to a divorce, employee investigation, financial settlement or child custody battle. Hiring a professional private investigator to look into a potential cohabitation situation can help protect your interests, your children, and your case. At J.P. Investigative Group, our cohabitation investigations often include surveillance of your ex-partner. […]

How Can Your Child’s School Attendance Affect Your Child Custody Case

students sitting behind their desk

While it’s perfectly fine for minors to miss days or be late to school (on occasion), this can be a real issue if the minor has many tardies and is missing several days. Plus, when it reaches the point of receiving truancy notices, you have a real issue to deal with. As a child custody investigator […]

South Carolina Child Custody Investigator: Types of Instability in the Home

When a custody agreement is reached, the court’s primary focus is on keeping the child safe and secure. Often, this is based on evidence or personal testimony that is presented during the custody hearing. Instabilities at home, however, can contradict this and put your child in danger. How Instability Affects Child Custody Instability at home […]
