3 Types of Investigations You May Consider for Your Employees

3 Types of Investigations You May Consider for Your Employees If you own a business, you need to hire skilled and competent employees. However, if an employee is hiding something from you, this can affect you and your business down the road. Check out three common types of investigations that can help if an employee […]

Reasons to Hire an Investigator for a Cohabitation Investigation

Reasons to Hire an Investigator for a Cohabitation Investigation Going through a divorce or separation includes many complications, especially as you seek ways to properly split up homes and assets. Before the marriage or through the divorce proceedings, you may have signed a cohabitation agreement on a piece of property. If you think your former […]

5 Elements of a Workers’ Compensation Claim Investigation

Is your company involved in a potentially expensive workers’ compensation case that you’re skeptical of? Many employers face this dilemma. While employers want to provide what’s due for their employees, they also may suspect that some employees aren’t being entirely truthful. In this case, a proper investigation by a professional can help shed light on […]

Wrongful Death: How a Private Investigator Can Help

When a loved one dies due to another person or entity’s fault — negligence, carelessness, or intentional action, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Upon winning the case, you receive compensation for the loss to cater to funeral expenses, lost wages, emotional turmoil, and lost companionship. However, wrongful death lawsuits require significant evidence and […]

Why Hire a Private Investigator Before a Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, you have a lot to worry about, and depending on your situation, you and your spouse may no longer be on good terms. This can make a fair divorce difficult. Luckily, a private investigator can help you during your divorce so that you get the results you want in a […]

Investigating Prospective Clients: Why and How?

Should your business investigate clients before working with them? This may sound like overkill to some business owners, but your company takes on a level of risk anytime it does business with others. What types of risk might an investigation help reduce? And what should you know about investigating clients? Here are a few answers […]

4 Situations Where You Might Consider Personal Protection Services

While the feeling that you might need personal protection can be stressful, you need to ensure that you protect yourself and loved ones from potential dangers. If you are unsure if you need personal protection or not, discover four situations where personal protection services might be necessary.

4 Tools Used By Professional Private Investigators

While a private investigator may seem like someone you only need to catch a cheating spouse, they are actually useful in many situations, ranging from finding a missing person to proving insurance fraud. If you would like to know how these professionals work, check out these four tools commonly used by professional private investigators. 1. […]

5 Risks of Investigating a Cheating Spouse on Your Own

Do you suspect your spouse or partner is cheating on you? This can be a devastating discovery, leading many spouses to attempt to confirm on their own whether or not infidelity is happening. But should you take on this task yourself or hire a professional to help you? While it may seem cheaper and easier […]

Taking on a Business Partner? What You Should Investigate First

Are you considering forming a new business partnership or taking on a new partner? If so, you owe it to yourself and to your business to perform due diligence by investigating any potential partner. What should be included in this type of investigation? And why? Here are a few key things you need to know. […]

6 Common Places Embezzlement or Fraud Happens Within a Company

As your business grows, expanding its reach and hiring more and more personnel, it is at increasing risk of embezzlement and financial fraud within its ranks. But sadly, such embezzlement can be difficult to spot because it can take many forms. To help your company find problems that may be eating into profits, here are […]

4 Ways to Use Private Investigators in Child Custody Cases

Child custody cases have only become more complicated over the years as parents seek out sole or shared custody for their children. Going through a divorce is hard enough, but adding the child custody to the mix can become even more complicated. In many cases, the custody hearing becomes a case of he said/she said, […]
